Metka Volavšek.

Slide Seminar I Case 5 Duodenal-type follicular lymphoma.

48th Professor Janez Plečnik Memorial Meeting Lymphoma Update. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 8.12.2017.




Nina Zidar.

Anal carcinoma.

2nd Meeting of the Pannonian Working Group of Gastrointestinal Pathology. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7. - 8. 4. 2017.




Nina Zidar.

Malignant lymphomas Autoimmune and other systemic diseases Anal dysplasia and carcinoma Hirschsprung’s disease.

Postgraduate Course »Diagnostic Gastrointestinal Pathology« . Graz, Avstrija, 18. - 20.5. 2017.




Nina Zidar.

Pathogenesis of fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease.

Joint EAGEN (European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition)-EHMSG (European Helicobacter Study Group) Postgraduate Course: Breaking News in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Pathogenesis of fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease.




Nina Zidar.

Reporting HPV related carcinomas of the head and neck.

29th European Congress of Pathology. Reporting HPV related carcinomas of the head and neck.




Nina Zidar.

Squamous cell carcinoma and its variants.

Meeting of the Austrian Society of Pathology. Velden, Avstrija, 14.-16. 9.2017.




Andrej Zupan.

Nova generacija sekvencioniranja – moderna diagnostika tumorjev.

Rak, Poletna šola Biotehniške fakultete. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 28. 9. 2017.




Jože Pižem.

Kostna patologija – osnovni pogoji za patološko diagnostiko in nekatere novosti

Jesensko srečanje Združenja za patologijo in sodno medicino. Šmarješke toplice, Slovenija, 17. -18.11.2017.

