Boštjan Luzar.
Cutaneous tumours with follicular differentiation.
31st European Congress of Pathology. Nica, Francija, 11.9.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Displastični melanocitni nevus.
Novosti v diagnostiki melanocitnih proliferacij - WHO 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 22.5.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Novosti v standardiziranem izvidu kožnega melanoma.
Novosti v diagnostiki melanocitnih proliferacij - WHO 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 22.5.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Melanocitni nevus z izgubo BAP1 in BAP1 tumor predispozicijski sindrom.
Novosti v diagnostiki melanocitnih proliferacij - WHO 2018. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 22.5.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Approach to melanocytic proliferations with uncertain malignant potential. Melanocitne kožne promjene nejasnog malignog potencijala (SAMPUS, MELTUMP, THIMUMP). Dileme u diagnozi i terapiji.
Zagreb, Hrvaška, 10.5.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Malignant cutaneous mixed tumours.
26th Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 12.4.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Complex follicular tumours.
26th Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 12.4.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Malignant melanotic schwannian tumour.
26th Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 12.4.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Tumours with follicular differentiation.
26th Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 12.4.2019.
Related: Dermatopathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Adnexal tumours.
London Diagnostic Dermatopathology annular Course 2019. London, UK, 16.3.2019.