Nina Zidar.
Malignant lymphomas Autoimmune and other systemic diseases Anal dysplasia and carcinoma Hirschsprung’s disease.
Postgraduate Course »Diagnostic Gastrointestinal Pathology« . Graz, Avstrija, 18. - 20.5. 2017.
Related: Gastrointestinal Pathology
Nina Zidar.
Pathogenesis of fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease.
Joint EAGEN (European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition)-EHMSG (European Helicobacter Study Group) Postgraduate Course: Breaking News in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Pathogenesis of fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease.
Related: Gastrointestinal Pathology
Nina Zidar.
Reporting HPV related carcinomas of the head and neck.
29th European Congress of Pathology. Reporting HPV related carcinomas of the head and neck.
Related: Head and Neck Pathology
Nina Zidar.
Squamous cell carcinoma and its variants.
Meeting of the Austrian Society of Pathology. Velden, Avstrija, 14.-16. 9.2017.
Related: Head and Neck Pathology
Andrej Zupan.
Nova generacija sekvencioniranja – moderna diagnostika tumorjev.
Rak, Poletna šola Biotehniške fakultete. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 28. 9. 2017.
Related: Molecular Genetics
Jože Pižem.
Kostna patologija – osnovni pogoji za patološko diagnostiko in nekatere novosti
Jesensko srečanje Združenja za patologijo in sodno medicino. Šmarješke toplice, Slovenija, 17. -18.11.2017.
Related: Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology
Emanuela Boštjančič.
Imunohisto(cito)kemija in (fluorescenčna) hibridizacija in situ; in situ metodi za določanje genskih in kromosomskih aberacij.
Rak, Poletna šola Biotehniške fakultete. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 28. 9. 2017.