Boštjan Luzar.
Malignant sweat gland tumors.
London Diagnostic Dermatopathology Annual Course – 2017. London, UK, 17.3.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Tumours with follicular differentiation.
24. Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 17.3.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Primary cutaneous secretory carcinoma.
24. Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 7.4.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Porocarcinoma and its differential diagnosis.
24. Annual Update in Dermatopathology. London, UK, 7.4.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Malignant sweat gland tumours.
International Academy of Pathology. Belfast, Severna Irska, 21.6.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Update in cutaneous neural tumours.
5th Updating Course on Anatomic Pathology. Porto, Portugalska, 4.10.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Slides seminar on selected adnexal and cutaneous soft tissue tumours.
5th Updating Course on Anatomic Pathology. Porto, Portugalska, 4.10.2017.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Applicability of molecular genetics in routine melanocytic diagnostic pathology.
Melanoma Perceptorship 2017, Institute of Oncology. Applicability of molecular genetics in routine melanocytic diagnostic pathology.
Related: Dermapathology
Boštjan Luzar.
Kutani tumorji perifernih živcev – novosti.
Jesensko srečanje Združenja za patologijo in sodno medicino. Šmarješke toplice, Slovenija, 17. -18.11.2017.