Damjana Cimerman.
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNAB of cystic pancreatic tumours: a challenging diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumour.
European Congress of Cytology 2019. Malmö, Sweden, 17.6.2019.
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Damjana Cimerman.
Zasevki v področju glave in vratu – uporaba imunocitokemičnih reakcij za določitev izvora tumorja.
Strokovno srečanje sekcije za citopatologijo. Koper, Slovenija, 07.6.2019.
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Prevc A, Kranjc S, Čemažar M, Todorović V, Zegura B, Novak M, Filipič M, Fležar MS, Kirbiš IS, Rotter A, Brozič A, Žakelj MN, Poljak M, Hošnjak L, Grošelj B, Strojan P, Sersa G.
Dose-Modifying Factor of Radiation Therapy with Concurrent Cisplatin Treatment in HPV-Positive Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Preclinical Study.
Radiat Res. 2018 Jun; 189(6): 644-651. doi: 10.1667/RR14984.
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Irena Srebotnik Kirbiš.
The quality of ICC on cytology samples. 21st Century Slide Based Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics - From the Laboratory to the Patient. London, UK, 9.-11.11.2018.
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Irena Srebotnik Kirbiš.
Workshop: Immunocytochemical assessment of podocyturia. International Fabry School 2018: Preceptorship. Slovenj Gradec, Slovenija, 15.-17.11.2018.
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Irena Srebotnik Kirbiš.
Methods to assess podocyturia. International Fabry School 2018: Preceptorship. Slovenj Gradec, Slovenija, 15.-17.11.2018.
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Margareta Strojan Fležar.
Urinary cytology: a new approach to an old problem. Simpozij ob 60-letnice citologije. Rijeka, Hrvaška, 9.11.2018.
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Margareta Strojan Fležar.
Podcenjeni brisi pri vnetju. Problemi pri ocenjevanju BMV - izkušnje po 10 letih revizije BMV bolnic, ki so zbolele z RMV, citopatološka delavnica ZORA. Ljubljana, Slovenija, 14.5.2018.
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Margareta Strojan Fležar.
Joint Slide Seminar Cytopathology and Trainees: Deep organs FNA: Junior / senior challenging diagnosis.
29th European Congress of Pathology. Amsterdam, Nizozemska, 2.-6.9.2017.